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                                                                  Living flowers
   As the sun rises over the horizon, I went out to enjoy the beauty of the grassland scenery. Perhaps, the scenery is the most beautiful one in the world, there is no one could catch up it. Ni matter how much mabinogi gold you have, you could not buy it for store. There are many people are excited when they see the sun rising. So today, I would like to see it. On the way, I saw a pair of red flowers blooming. They had flat petals and were incredibly full of smiling beauty. Those independent flowers seemed very vibrant. It has the same colour with cheap mabinogi and looks so more beautiful than any other flower. Gazing at the flowers made me think of many things.
   Dew like pearls shone on the grass brightly. Rays of sun offered happiness. I stood and stared at the beautiful flowers for a long time, enjoying the bright, pleasant sunshine. I feel that the feeling now is the most comfortable one in my life. The world is so quiet, so I almosto could hear my heart beat. At this time, no matter how much mabinogi money you will give me, I will not leav it. This is the first time I feel the world is so beautiful. Butterflies and little bees were flying about. Then some naughty children with sticks came. One child swung his stick when he saw the flowers. Many petals fell to the earth, and with them, my heart fell too.
   The next day, beside the road, the red flowers were brighter than the day before. The natural beauty made me gasp. It seems that today is more beautiful than yesterday, but I still like the yesterday best. Like to buy mabinogi gold, the first ones are the best in my mind. It gave me an understanding of the energy of growing and youth and convinced me it could not be destroyed with a heartless stick. I wanted to be like the soul of a flower.
   Then I saw an old woman and child coming along the road. When they reached the flowers the child quickly plucked one. I was very sad that the child plucked the flowers, so tomorrow I will not see this flower, I feel I have lost something, like mabinogi online gold. I felt great horror and then heard the old woman say, what beautiful flowers. Do not pick them. The next day, I could not see the flowers anymore. The grass and leaves on the ground were almost dried. I was in a world of great sorrow. So yesterday is the most beautiful day, after that, everything has changed.