Mabinogi gold players wear Light Armor for the passive hit recovery bonus.

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They do not gain many extra skills as the other classes, but gain the ability to quickly chain their starting skills together as well as the ability to use upgraded versions of them with certain kinds of weapons equipped, provided they invested skill points into upgrading the masteries of that kind. Mabinogi gold players wear Light Armor for the passive hit recovery bonus, though Heavy Armor can be used for more unconventional purposes. However, all Blade Masters can choose any kind of weapon (Or two, or three) to wield; some choose zincates (great swords), some choose bludgeons, and some even choose to use the magic-oriented weapon kinds like kabanas and short swords. Blade Masters can be visually identified by their white arm (In place of their red one) which is caused by a regulating device that helps to suppress the demonic influence residing in the arm.