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Global has announced that some of its maps will receive Last Chaos Gold a graphical overhaul as part of the coming update.

To be applied on 24th June, this renewal update contains new designs and styles for the maps as well as modified NPC locations, new locations of instance dungeons and different spawn areas for monsters. The update will be initially applied to 8 maps.

The changes begin right from Milano Village, the starting point of the game; the aim here being to provide a better visual connection between the game's story and the in-game atmosphere when the game is started.

Also, maps such as Morning Prairie will have their quest structures simplified and made more convenient. Servex, the Publisher of Nostale: Global, says that this update will greatly increase the fun and appeal of Nostale, as gamers will now be able to better enjoy the delights of stylish and convenient game-play.

The game is often touted as deeper than it is, funnier than it is, and more honest. It is said to have "meaningful PVP" (meaning someone can hold your ship still, kill you and take your stuff) and also said to have true "sand box game-play" (set, of course, within the boundaries of space, a ship, and the physical rules of the game.)