The earth elemental summoned by this totem has one main purpose

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Fire Elemental Totem: The Fire elemental puts out impressive amounts of damage for the 15-20 seconds it takes for it to blow its mana bar away. It can only deal fire damage, and does so through several Mabinogi Gold abilities; Melee, Fire Shield acting like the infernals AE fire damage, Fire Nova (AE) and Fire Blast (ranged fire nuke).

The elemental summoning totems act as an anchor for the elementals. They can’t go too far away from their totem, although the radius they will move to assist you in is pretty big. They have no pet bar.The totems themselves have a fair bit of HP, around 3000.

Earth Elemental Totem: The earth elemental summoned by this totem has one main purpose, and that is to act as a damage sponge.

It does poor damage, but has a great AE taunt. It doesn’t have a very high amount of health though, about 4-5k. As with the fire elemental, it is leashed to its totem.

Bloodlust / Heroism: This spell is exactly the same for horde and alliance paladins, apart from the name. Think of using this in an arena, or in a 5man, when you’re having trouble taking down a boss. It’s a shame the cool-down is so long though.