Where you'll be getting most of the Mabinogi Gold quests.


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Stick to the mobs in the eastern and middle part of the zone since this is also where you'll be getting most of the Mabinogi Gold quests.
If you choose Felwood instead, whatever you do, don't kill Timber maw furbolgs. You'll need to get your faction level with them up to be able to walk through their tunnel (and get to Winterspring) without being attacked every time.
If you happen to be in Feralas still when you're at least level 47, talk to Zorbin Fan dazzle for a fun quest involving "zapping" giants…good experience and just plain a fun quest to do if you're in the area.
Or better yet, get your Argent Dawn faction high before you hit level 60. Most of the time, you'll just want to grind in this area, lots of Firegut Orges to kill here.
If no profession really appeals to you, you might want to consider taking two harvesting primary skills, then selling the materials at the auction house.
You will blow through these levels so fast that there is no real way to make any serious money. Fortunately you don't really need a great deal at this point anyway.