Tailoring and enchanting is a natural choice in the game


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Recommended Trade skills: Priests are very good at healing but could be better at mana-management. Unlike Mages and Warlocks, who can usually afford to ignore spirit, Priests should be concerned with getting Mabinogi Gold that mana up.

Priests don’t need bleeding-edge gear, but they should certainly keep it up. Tailoring and enchanting is a natural choice, go for this to you is your cloth armor up to date.

Don’t be afraid to wear some damage or heal enhancing equipment this profession offers later once you get your regeneration/casting down. If you feel like you are slipping and find you drinking a lot, switch back to spirit.

Useable Weapons: Daggers, one-handed maces, staves & wands

Alchemy is a useful profession for this class. Priests will occasionally find themselves in trouble. When this happens, it’s always good to be able to heal your health or mana for free. Plus alchemy has some nice bonuses to other stats with wisdom potions.

Spirit tap will reduce your soloing downtime a great deal. Well equipped you will still be able to group while being shadow specced, but for the high end instances and raids, holy is the only way to go.